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     01 July, 2003
    10:53 p.m.

    bright yellow jammies....
    It has happened again. writers block, or at least, bloggers block. I used to be able to write about funny stuff that was goin on on in my life, but here lately, I just can't seem to do much with it. so, once again, I turn to you, my diaryland faithfull. What should I write about?



    rock and roll?

    the big vacation Mark II?

    the kids?


    my yellow jammies that say tangy?

    well, they don't actaully say tangy, cuz talking jammies would be weird on a whole new and probably very unpleasant level. I mean, suppose you were sleeping, and all the sudden your jammies started talking.


    so, my yellow jammies actually do not say tangy, but they do have the word tangy printed on them. also, orange slices. I'm not sure why it was decided that bright yellow jammies with "tangy" written on them would be relaxing sleep wear. In fact, I'm pretty sure that the marketing person who decided to make bright yellow jammies that have tangy written on them made a poor marketing decision, as I aquired them on clearence for 5 dollars.

    what? You thought I paid full price for yellow jammies that have tangy written on them?

    What is it about 10-11 p.m. that sucks the will power from the diet-er the way that republicans suck my will to live? It hits 10, I start eating. what is up with that?

    so, I suppose I made a half way decent entry out of bright yellow jammies that have tangy written on them, so I would have to consider that a dead topic. so, hit me with something else.