It is so sad for others that they don't appreciate my genius.

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     22 May, 2003
    7:05 p.m.

    not news
    You know, I understand that I am a complete freak of nature because of my refusal to participate in the A.I. phenomon. (I know, I said I wouldn't discuss it again, but I have a point to make. suck it up.)...but, my question is this: When did silly "reality" programs become fucking hard news? Cuz you know, it really chafes the rhubarb, makes the hair on my ass stand on end, and generally just annoys the fuschia fuck out of me to turn on F O X news, and be confronted with the number 10...oh, I"m sorry, that was r e u b a n and C l a y, standing next to each other. You know, once would have been ok...but every single fucking hour..."R e u b an is your new a m e r i c a n I d o l."

    no, fuck, he's not. and any modicum of pleasure I derived from "the fat guy" winning this morning...(and I would like to point out that I was extremly caffiene deprived when I wrote the previous entry) has been sucked from me like the marrow from a chicken bone by the fact that in my quest to find out what Augustus George has done to steal my personal freedoms today, what lame ass excuse s c o t t P e t e r s o n has come up with, and if the school I used to hang out at to try to pick up college guys, (never worked) has been complelty blown to bits by a disgruntled law student disturbed my their final grades, I am instead confronted with c l a y and R e u b a n.


    just a note, you stupid news channel programming FUCKS.....

    A m e r i c a n I d o l? Not news.

    Any tv program? not news.

    How much weight a n n a N i c o l e S m i t h has gained or what woman foolish enough to marry him T o m C r u i s e got screwed for a. thinking, b. makign a good career move, or c. getting pregnant? Not news.


    in other not-news.....

    I finished the J a c k the r i p p e r book. I'm afraid I will have to give up my pet theory, and will probably have to espouse hers. cuz, unlike mine, it makes sense.

    ok, there must be some other not-news....

    but everytthing escapes me.