It is so sad for others that they don't appreciate my genius.

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     30 April, 2002
    10:52 p.m.

    200 entries
    1.Today I am writing my 200th entry
    And it's the end of the month of poetry

    2.I will write today in rhyming verse
    But be assured, I will still curse

    3.Two hundred lines today is my goal
    And this idea, I admit I stole

    4.And if I sound like Dr. Seuss
    Too bad! Fuck you! Go drink some juice.

    5.I misspell words, I say fuck a lot
    And many of my entries rot.

    6.I have two sons, aged seven and eleven
    And neither one did I name Devon

    7.A husband, too, who's very cheap
    I can't get laid, he likes to sleep

    8.A puppy dog, whose name is Thor
    His house training is very poor.

    9.The job for which I get paid is nanny
    And I have an unusually large fanny.

    10.Oh, Good God, is this only verse 10?
    Um ... the best friend of Stimpy is Ren?

    11.Upon my face, glasses I wear
    And I have short light brown hair.

    12.I live in a trailer, down in the deep south
    And though I've not pierced it, I have a big mouth.

    13.In each of my ears, there are two holes
    And on my neck are several moles.

    14.Though seven less than I had before.
    There are many who say I am a ring whore.

    15.I spend much time in Diaryland
    Some Diaries rule, but others are bland.

    16.These are some folks I like to read
    Some list me as favorites, my ego they feed.

    17.Golfwidow is my very best friend
    She gets all jokes, and money would lend.

    18.Deamonchild has got news thats a damper
    No more getting high in the old green camper.

    19.Back in high school, I dated RevHooligan
    Oh, fuck - nothing rhymes with Hooligan!

    20.Dr. Gonzo I guess is a big muppet fan
    And she likes to fuck some guy called batman.

    21.Twenty down, 180 to go
    This poem has now become my foe.

    22.But finish it I will, I must
    For Kevin Smith I madly lust.

    23.Poor Uncle Unchbunch needs to have sex
    Its like hes under a horrible hex.

    24.l-Empress is Golfwidows female parent
    She dont like my language, shes made that apparent.

    25.Ask Obi-Wan is my new Favorite site.
    But they pissed off Golfwidow, and that's just not right.

    26.Random Facts has much useless info
    When I have enough money, I'm buying a tivo.

    27.Slut-bucket is young, she's having a child.
    I hope that for her, morning sickness is mild.

    28.The book girl, too, is great with child.
    Soon, with Toddler and infant, her life will be wild.

    29.Haritari just got back from New York
    She's not expecting a visit from stork.

    30.30 now, who-hoo, yippee!
    But will I finish? Just read and see!

    32.Lobotomy babe likes to photo and cook
    Everyday, at her writing, I take a long look.

    33.Marn is from Canada, where it is cold.
    Where nights are long, and men are bold.

    34.To Minidragon, I gave birth
    Which greatly did increase my girth.

    35.One on One did interview me
    My brilliance and wonder he did truly see.

    36.I also got quoted, I was so happy
    I almost cried, though I know that sounds sappy.

    37.Cabbeges 69 needs to update more.
    His use of verbiage is never a bore

    38.RevInterview asks mean questions, then says fuck you.
    He doesnt care if he makes you boo-hoo.

    39.Joleen, like Golfwidow, likes Tony Bourdain
    I think they're both just slightly insane

    40.Now we have reached couplet forty
    Um ... in England they call a truck a lorry

    41.Hey you there, fuck you! I know that don't rhyme
    But thinking of verses takes a mighty long time.

    42.Redblur writes good, his template is cool
    All in all, I think he may rule.

    43.Sweetandandy likes ska, she works in a store
    Her entries, some dirty, are never a bore.

    44.Here in Diaryland, Andrew is in charge
    He just joined a gym, and hes living large.

    45.Whatawoman's little girl, her initial is b
    Shes a real cutie, just go look and see.

    46.Ms. Rubydragon will soon be a singleton
    I guess life with Godzilla, just wasn't much fun.

    47.Kittyhead writes of a small pet raccoon
    Reading her words can be such a boon

    48.sierramoon has a very young girl
    she loves her a lot, she thinks shes a pearl

    49.Maj52 teaches English at school
    so her spelling and grammer both rule

    50.Look at me, theres 50 done
    we're halfway there, we're having fun.

    51.Squawk had some fun on a white water raft
    she thinks it's more fun than an art or a craft.

    52.So that's all my favorites, I read every day
    I wish Michael Jackson would just go away.

    53.Now what to write? Hum, lets see
    I guess I'll talk some more about ME.

    54.I'm overweight, I sure like to eat
    that would explain the size of my seat.

    55.I like to read, I read a whole lot-bot
    Right now I'm reading Tolkein's, The Hobbit

    56.You, in the back, quit laughing, just stop it!
    I'd like to see find a rhyme for the hobbit.

    57.On my back you can find a tres cool tattoo
    if it was fucked up, the artist I'd sue.

    58.I'm taking a class, World Literature I
    The Odyssey sucked, but Othello was fun.

    59.I go to church, Im Episcopalian
    Ha! You thought that this rhyme would be failin?

    60.sixty of these stupid couplets Ive written
    with Angelina Jolie, I am quite smitten.

    61.I like to write, I like to say fuck
    but country music makes me say yuck

    62.I write dirty stories for nobody but me
    I might let you read them, for a small fee.

    63.On the Food Network, Iron Chef is the best
    Morimoto, my favorite, can out cook the rest.

    64.I like trading spaces, with Paige, Frank and Ty
    for that fine manly carpenter, I pant and sigh.

    65. Of the Osbornes, I'm a huge fan
    the madman of metal a grumpy old man.

    66.I listen to talk radio, rush and G. liddy
    and even Doc. Laura, my life's such a pity.

    67.I like Andrew Lloyd Webber, I think that he's great
    Except for Cats, which I really did hate.

    68.I am bisexual, I have an ex-wife
    I plan to hate her the rest of my life

    69.She broke my heart, she made me cry
    She fucked around, with girl and guy

    70.I hate her guts, that's the truth about that.
    But after we broke up, she got really fat.

    71.And I hope she's really fat and ugly
    not like me, chubby and snugly

    72.this is getting very boring
    by now I bet y'all are snoring.

    73.Here are some movies that make me happy
    I hope that you don't find them crabby

    74.Heavenly creatures of course is the best
    It is the first film to show Winslets breast.

    75.Chasing Amy's romantic, funny and sad
    Kevin Smith made, so it can't be bad.

    76.Clerks is real awesome, it's in black and white
    It was Smithie's first movie, he sure made it right.

    77.Dogma's fantastic, with Affleck and Damon
    and my man, Jason Lee, plays a really hot demon.

    78.Hey, it almost rhymes, it's close enough
    The Rock is a wrestler, his bod is quite buff.

    79.Mallrats is ok, not Kevin's best work
    In a New Jersey mall, Jay and Silent bob lurk.

    80.A movie I liked, though the reviewers sack
    Was Jay and Silent bob Strike Back

    81.For Star Wars, on cable, I'm likely to seek
    You call it New Hope if you're a really big geek.

    82.Empire Strikes back is dark and it's scary
    and Damn, is it me, or is Chewwie quite Hairy?

    83.Return of the Jedi almost did rock
    except for the stupid fucking ewok.

    84.Episode one was ok, it wasnt that bad.
    It showed Darth Vader as just a wee lad.

    85.For Moulin Rouge I had some use
    I did not think it was ass juice.

    86.Aimee and Jaguar, Nazi and Jew
    Now they are in love, what will they do?

    87.?I'm the king of the world quoth Jack in Titanic
    its influence on the culture was almost satanic

    88.Quills was quite fun, though some parts were sick
    like the part where we had to see G. Rush's dick.

    89. I just saw frailty, I thought it quite good
    why don't you go see it, I think that you should.

    90.I like scary movies, like Jason and Freddy
    but it's not cool to watch them right before beddy.

    91.Great, now I'm writing like I'm two
    don't like it Stop reading, why don't you go screw?

    92.I know I write poetry worse than a vogon
    I'm sorry that this dumbness must go on for so long.

    93.It's almost over, we're close to the end.
    I hope when it's done you will still be my friend

    94.Never claimed I was a poet, I don't have it in me
    and all of my rhymes are excessively silly.

    95.Me rhymes with silly, I promise, I swear
    and if it doesn't, at this point I dont care.

    96.But I sure love my diary, and love diaryland
    that sentiment is true, and its surely not canned.

    97.So if you like to read what I've written, thank you so much
    you reading me daily means a whole bunch.

    98.I like reading your thoughts, I hope you like mine
    and if you don't like it, than stop reading, that's fine

    99.But I will keep reading least ways for the time being
    cuz it sure beats the hell out of cleaning the ceiling.

    100.and if you dont like my poem, and you think it's not true
    I'll end this lamity with a great big FUCK YOU!