It is so sad for others that they don't appreciate my genius.

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     16 January, 2002
    10:09 p.m.

    cuz I got high
    Waitin for the laundry to be done so I can go to bed. Sorry i didn't post yesterday, I was hella tired. I had a viscious insomnia attack sat, sun, and mon. night. By 1:30 am mon night/tues morning I was laying in bed sobbing hysterically because I didn't sleep. So tues night, I got a friend to hook me up with some ambian. boy, howdy, did I sleep! I don't think I moved all night. It was the shit. Insomnia sucks. It really, really sucks.

    I'll tell you what else sucks. Greek epic poetry. I fuckin hate it. I like greek drama, but goshdarn, the poetry! Yuck! 22 pages to say achilles was pissed at agememnon for stealing his 'ho.

    When we all know that Achilles was giving it to Patroculus up the ass. Except of course, my lit teacher, who seems to be determined to study greek literature with out ever mentioning anal sex. I didn't think that was possiple.

    So, I'm watching this show about folks doing drugs in the ancient world:

    I was going to write the vedas, but I got high..

    I was going to build the pyramids, but I got high....

    Now I'm part of a destroyed culture, and I know why....

    cuz I got high,

    cuz i got high,

    cut I got high.

    I started watching the new baby today. He's a sweetie. Very alert and animated. And his parents seem pretty nice, to.

    The laundry is done. YIPPEE. I'm gonna take a shower and go to bed! g'night, folks.